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Lawyers are giving US immigration answers. Not Indian PIO vs OCI cards.
You can ask GC related questions here.
If you are lazy to search in google, see the link below.
OCI vs PIO Card. Detailed comparison whether you should get OCI card or PIO card for persons of Indian origin (
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09-28 05:27 PM
With Legacy in Mind, Bush Reassesses His Agenda ( By Peter Baker | Washington Post Staff Writer, September 28, 2007
As he addresses a conference on climate change this morning, President Bush will face not only a crowd of skeptics but the press of time. For nearly seven years, he invested little personal energy in the challenge of global warming. Now, with the end in sight, he has called the biggest nations of the world together to press for a plan by the end of next year.
This has been a week when Bush seems to be checking boxes on the legacy list. He opened the week at the United Nations in New York, where he tried to rally support for his Middle East peace initiative and insisted his vision of a new Palestinian state is still "achievable" before the end of his presidency. And he pressed for more U.N. action against Iran, acutely aware he has less than 16 months left to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Success in any of these areas would amount to a singular achievement and, in the view of advisers, could help rewrite Bush's place in history. No president wants to be remembered as the author of an ill-fated war and, while Iraq certainly will be at the core of the Bush administration's record, advisers hope to broaden the picture. Yet analysts said the hour is late to resolve the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict on his watch, critics doubt his sincerity on climate change, and Iran remains as intransigent as ever.
"The clock is ticking, and there are certain things you want to accomplish before you go out the door," said Ron Kaufman, who was White House political director for President George H.W. Bush. "While most of these things are not new to his agenda, there may be a bit of a new urgency given the time. . . . No president wants to leave something on the table if they can get it done."
Even on Iraq, Bush clearly has an eye on the clock. While he no longer harbors hope of winning the war by Jan. 20, 2009, he wants to use his remaining time in office to stabilize the country, draw down some forces and leave his successor with a less volatile situation that would dampen domestic demands to pull out completely. If he can do that, he told television anchors during an off-the-record lunch this month, he thinks even Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), the Democratic front-runner, would continue his policy.
The goal, as national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley told the Council on Foreign Relations recently, is that "a new president who comes in in January of '09, whoever he or she may be, will look at it and say, 'I'm persuaded that we have long-term interests here. It's important we get it right. This strategy is beginning to work. I think I'll leave Iraq alone.' And so that a new president coming in doesn't have a first crisis about 'let's pull the troops out of Iraq.' "
Bush has even quietly sent advice through intermediaries to Clinton and other Democratic candidates, urging them to be careful in their campaign rhetoric so they do not limit their options should they win, according to a new book, "The Evangelical President," by Bill Sammon of the Washington Examiner. Bush has "been urging candidates, 'Don't get yourself too locked in where you stand right now. If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically,' " White House Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten told Sammon.
Bush is also rushing to institutionalize some of the controversial tactics he has employed in the battle with terrorists so that they will outlast his presidency. That was a major reason he agreed to put his National Security Agency warrantless surveillance program under the jurisdiction of a secret intelligence court, aides said. And that is why he has pushed to find a way to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and find other ways of handling suspected terrorists, although officials increasingly doubt they will be able to do so.
White House counselor Ed Gillespie said the president's team is not panicked about dwindling time but hopes to push steadily toward some goals that will bear fruit before the end of the administration. "On some of these things we've made a lot of progress," he said. "We may not be in the red zone, but we're at a point where you don't need to throw the long ball. We can get there with three yards and a cloud of dust if we keep moving."
The focus on passing time and the coming judgment of history is common at this point in a two-term presidency, of course. In his final months in office, Bill Clinton also launched an intense effort to solve the Middle East conflict only to have Camp David talks collapse. Joel P. Johnson, who was Clinton's senior adviser in the last part of his presidency, remembers his boss holding "a whip and a chair" trying to force as much change before surrendering the Oval Office.
"It's on your mind every day because you know how long it takes to create a policy and build a campaign around it and enact it or in some way force change before your administration is over," Johnson said. "Literally on your wall and in your mind there is a calendar, and every day you see a red X and you wake up in the morning and you realize 'we only have so much time.' And what focuses your mind is you know on that last day, the story's over and you can't change it anymore."
Bolten has been trying to focus the minds of his colleagues in the Bush White House ever since taking over as chief of staff last year. He gave other top aides clocks set to show how many days and hours remain in this administration and told them to think about big things that could be accomplished in that time. Yet the most ambitious items on Bush's second-term domestic agenda have died, most notably his ideas for restructuring Social Security and immigration laws.
"They're off the table. They're done. Didn't work," said a senior official who insisted on anonymity to speak more candidly about Bush's strategy. "So he's turning to some other things."
One of the other things is climate change. Bush once expressed doubt that human activity has anything to do with warming and renounced the Kyoto treaty imposing mandatory limits on greenhouse emissions. Now he has summoned representatives from the 15 nations that produce the most greenhouse gases to this week's conference in Washington in hopes of producing a plan by the end of 2008.
While the White House points to initiatives and research Bush has sponsored over the years, he has never taken on a high-profile role in confronting the issue until now. Senior European officials said they appreciate the newfound interest. "Some months ago there was no discussion of climate. The words 'Kyoto regime' [did not come] over the lips of a government official here," German Environmental Minister Siegmar Gabriel told reporters yesterday. Alluding to Neil Armstrong's famous walk on the moon, he added, "These are big steps for us and the United States, and small steps for mankind in the international negotiations."
But Bush remains opposed to mandatory emissions caps that environmentalists and many foreign leaders such as Gabriel believe are needed. "I don't think the leopard has changed its spots," said David D. Doniger, a climate analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council. "Or maybe the better analogy is that the only thing the leopard has changed is his spots."
One conference delegate said negotiators realize the talks will not yield a dramatic change in U.S. policy. "With this administration, we will not reach any result because the time is too short," the delegate said. "But they have the problem, not we. . . . They have the problem [of explaining] to their own people what they're going to do."
As he addresses a conference on climate change this morning, President Bush will face not only a crowd of skeptics but the press of time. For nearly seven years, he invested little personal energy in the challenge of global warming. Now, with the end in sight, he has called the biggest nations of the world together to press for a plan by the end of next year.
This has been a week when Bush seems to be checking boxes on the legacy list. He opened the week at the United Nations in New York, where he tried to rally support for his Middle East peace initiative and insisted his vision of a new Palestinian state is still "achievable" before the end of his presidency. And he pressed for more U.N. action against Iran, acutely aware he has less than 16 months left to stop Tehran's nuclear program.
Success in any of these areas would amount to a singular achievement and, in the view of advisers, could help rewrite Bush's place in history. No president wants to be remembered as the author of an ill-fated war and, while Iraq certainly will be at the core of the Bush administration's record, advisers hope to broaden the picture. Yet analysts said the hour is late to resolve the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict on his watch, critics doubt his sincerity on climate change, and Iran remains as intransigent as ever.
"The clock is ticking, and there are certain things you want to accomplish before you go out the door," said Ron Kaufman, who was White House political director for President George H.W. Bush. "While most of these things are not new to his agenda, there may be a bit of a new urgency given the time. . . . No president wants to leave something on the table if they can get it done."
Even on Iraq, Bush clearly has an eye on the clock. While he no longer harbors hope of winning the war by Jan. 20, 2009, he wants to use his remaining time in office to stabilize the country, draw down some forces and leave his successor with a less volatile situation that would dampen domestic demands to pull out completely. If he can do that, he told television anchors during an off-the-record lunch this month, he thinks even Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), the Democratic front-runner, would continue his policy.
The goal, as national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley told the Council on Foreign Relations recently, is that "a new president who comes in in January of '09, whoever he or she may be, will look at it and say, 'I'm persuaded that we have long-term interests here. It's important we get it right. This strategy is beginning to work. I think I'll leave Iraq alone.' And so that a new president coming in doesn't have a first crisis about 'let's pull the troops out of Iraq.' "
Bush has even quietly sent advice through intermediaries to Clinton and other Democratic candidates, urging them to be careful in their campaign rhetoric so they do not limit their options should they win, according to a new book, "The Evangelical President," by Bill Sammon of the Washington Examiner. Bush has "been urging candidates, 'Don't get yourself too locked in where you stand right now. If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically,' " White House Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten told Sammon.
Bush is also rushing to institutionalize some of the controversial tactics he has employed in the battle with terrorists so that they will outlast his presidency. That was a major reason he agreed to put his National Security Agency warrantless surveillance program under the jurisdiction of a secret intelligence court, aides said. And that is why he has pushed to find a way to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and find other ways of handling suspected terrorists, although officials increasingly doubt they will be able to do so.
White House counselor Ed Gillespie said the president's team is not panicked about dwindling time but hopes to push steadily toward some goals that will bear fruit before the end of the administration. "On some of these things we've made a lot of progress," he said. "We may not be in the red zone, but we're at a point where you don't need to throw the long ball. We can get there with three yards and a cloud of dust if we keep moving."
The focus on passing time and the coming judgment of history is common at this point in a two-term presidency, of course. In his final months in office, Bill Clinton also launched an intense effort to solve the Middle East conflict only to have Camp David talks collapse. Joel P. Johnson, who was Clinton's senior adviser in the last part of his presidency, remembers his boss holding "a whip and a chair" trying to force as much change before surrendering the Oval Office.
"It's on your mind every day because you know how long it takes to create a policy and build a campaign around it and enact it or in some way force change before your administration is over," Johnson said. "Literally on your wall and in your mind there is a calendar, and every day you see a red X and you wake up in the morning and you realize 'we only have so much time.' And what focuses your mind is you know on that last day, the story's over and you can't change it anymore."
Bolten has been trying to focus the minds of his colleagues in the Bush White House ever since taking over as chief of staff last year. He gave other top aides clocks set to show how many days and hours remain in this administration and told them to think about big things that could be accomplished in that time. Yet the most ambitious items on Bush's second-term domestic agenda have died, most notably his ideas for restructuring Social Security and immigration laws.
"They're off the table. They're done. Didn't work," said a senior official who insisted on anonymity to speak more candidly about Bush's strategy. "So he's turning to some other things."
One of the other things is climate change. Bush once expressed doubt that human activity has anything to do with warming and renounced the Kyoto treaty imposing mandatory limits on greenhouse emissions. Now he has summoned representatives from the 15 nations that produce the most greenhouse gases to this week's conference in Washington in hopes of producing a plan by the end of 2008.
While the White House points to initiatives and research Bush has sponsored over the years, he has never taken on a high-profile role in confronting the issue until now. Senior European officials said they appreciate the newfound interest. "Some months ago there was no discussion of climate. The words 'Kyoto regime' [did not come] over the lips of a government official here," German Environmental Minister Siegmar Gabriel told reporters yesterday. Alluding to Neil Armstrong's famous walk on the moon, he added, "These are big steps for us and the United States, and small steps for mankind in the international negotiations."
But Bush remains opposed to mandatory emissions caps that environmentalists and many foreign leaders such as Gabriel believe are needed. "I don't think the leopard has changed its spots," said David D. Doniger, a climate analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council. "Or maybe the better analogy is that the only thing the leopard has changed is his spots."
One conference delegate said negotiators realize the talks will not yield a dramatic change in U.S. policy. "With this administration, we will not reach any result because the time is too short," the delegate said. "But they have the problem, not we. . . . They have the problem [of explaining] to their own people what they're going to do."

01-21 07:59 AM
This interesting article was posted on
ILW.COM - immigration news: The Trials And Tribulations Of Highly Educated Immigrants (,0120-donoghue.shtm)
Everyone saw this coming. It has been a steady decline in the situation in teh past 10 years.
The handwriting was on the wall for quite sometime.
They will eventually make the H1B unusable by IT firms/body shoppers.
ILW.COM - immigration news: The Trials And Tribulations Of Highly Educated Immigrants (,0120-donoghue.shtm)
Everyone saw this coming. It has been a steady decline in the situation in teh past 10 years.
The handwriting was on the wall for quite sometime.
They will eventually make the H1B unusable by IT firms/body shoppers.
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So if I have MS+ 0 then I think I have to post my ad for JobZone 5. In that case, my SVP will be 7 because MS = 4 yrs and 0 expr = nothing. So i will not exceed SVP 7.
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10-29 06:14 PM
Hello everyone,
I obtained my F1 visa in Aug,2001 for 5 years and I initially came here for M.S. I have continued for PhD in 2003 and visited India every two years. My F1 expired in Jul,2006 but my I-20 is valid until Dec,2008.The real problem is that I have applied for Canadian PR this Oct and expecting to get it by Oct,2008.
Once I get my PR, I have to go to Canada for Visa stamping and my questions are related to this:
1) Since my F1 expired, Can I come back to US after PR stamping, without needing an F1 visa.?
2) Is it advisable to get my F1 visa stamping in India or Canada next year i.e in Oct 2008, or would it be too late? (since that would be two years after visa expiry).
PS: I wanted to get my F1 stamping only if it were necessary to go to India.
Any suggestions would help me a lot and thanks so much in advance.
I obtained my F1 visa in Aug,2001 for 5 years and I initially came here for M.S. I have continued for PhD in 2003 and visited India every two years. My F1 expired in Jul,2006 but my I-20 is valid until Dec,2008.The real problem is that I have applied for Canadian PR this Oct and expecting to get it by Oct,2008.
Once I get my PR, I have to go to Canada for Visa stamping and my questions are related to this:
1) Since my F1 expired, Can I come back to US after PR stamping, without needing an F1 visa.?
2) Is it advisable to get my F1 visa stamping in India or Canada next year i.e in Oct 2008, or would it be too late? (since that would be two years after visa expiry).
PS: I wanted to get my F1 stamping only if it were necessary to go to India.
Any suggestions would help me a lot and thanks so much in advance.
01-15 06:44 PM
I am currently working on EAD (thru 485), graduated in August 07, applying for H1B (first time) in April 08, my questions
1. Any effect on my AOS.
2. Can I start working without going ouf of the country once my H1B is approved on Oct 1st 2008.
1. No effect on your AOS
2.Yes, you can since you are going to get a new i-94 with your H1 approval.
1. Any effect on my AOS.
2. Can I start working without going ouf of the country once my H1B is approved on Oct 1st 2008.
1. No effect on your AOS
2.Yes, you can since you are going to get a new i-94 with your H1 approval.
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06-15 08:43 AM
My husband and I are in a big Dilemma whether to apply for EAD or AP? In the lawyer's note,it says that anyone who is I-140 Beneficiary will not be able to use EAD and AP. Is it true?
We are on our 3 years H1/H4 using I-140 benefits only. What should we do?
Please guide us.
We still have 3 years remaining. Problem - We both have no visa stamping after we got our extentions which why AP is required at this point?
Are there any travel restrictions after we file I-1485 with AP or WITHOUT AP.
Please highlight. Will be very useful for us.
Thank you sooo much
We are on our 3 years H1/H4 using I-140 benefits only. What should we do?
Please guide us.
We still have 3 years remaining. Problem - We both have no visa stamping after we got our extentions which why AP is required at this point?
Are there any travel restrictions after we file I-1485 with AP or WITHOUT AP.
Please highlight. Will be very useful for us.
Thank you sooo much
04-10 10:01 AM
I have filed an appeal for a rejected I 140, which is I 290B.
I also filed a new I 140 using the same labor (EB3, august 2003)
Now I am seeing constant changes to LUDs to both status online, but the text doesnt change.
I 290B had LUD change for 3 days, and I 140 had LUD change for 3 days too.
I am confused now... does this mean they are working on the case?
constant changes like these furstrate me when there is no message or text change in status.
Can the gurus here predict according to similar trends? what can I expect?
many thanks in advance....
I also filed a new I 140 using the same labor (EB3, august 2003)
Now I am seeing constant changes to LUDs to both status online, but the text doesnt change.
I 290B had LUD change for 3 days, and I 140 had LUD change for 3 days too.
I am confused now... does this mean they are working on the case?
constant changes like these furstrate me when there is no message or text change in status.
Can the gurus here predict according to similar trends? what can I expect?
many thanks in advance....
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06-22 04:54 PM
Hello all,
Form I-693 downloading from the following site is valid until 6/30/07.
Is it ok to use this form though we will be filing the I-485 on 07/01/07.
Form I-693 downloading from the following site is valid until 6/30/07.
Is it ok to use this form though we will be filing the I-485 on 07/01/07.
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10-11 03:53 PM
So if I have GC do they allow me without Visa in those countries. I thought only US citizens would not require Visa.
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Blog Feeds
05-17 12:50 PM
Given the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad�s immigration history, the common refrain of �let�s just close our borders to all immigrants� is (not surprisingly) becoming more vocal. After all, as the argument goes, if someone like Shahzad (who apparently is not one of the �best and brightest�) is able to obtain a student visa, then an H-1B �specialty occupation� work visa, a green card, and the ultimate prize of U.S. citizenship � all in a span of less than 8 years -- then perhaps we need to take a step back, take a deep breath and just close our borders...
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05-19 12:03 PM
hello all,
My H1 extension was filed with regular processing and I got RFE too.
My office has replied to RFE and as per tracking it is delivered today.
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My H1 extension was filed with regular processing and I got RFE too.
My office has replied to RFE and as per tracking it is delivered today.
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Approx. after how many days USCIS update the status with "response" received?
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Blog Feeds
04-24 10:20 PM
The White House today announced the appointment of Cuban-born attorney Alejandro Maryorkas as the nation's new Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Congratulations to Mr. Mayorkas on his appointment. President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals today: Alejandro Mayorkas, Nominee for Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas is currently a partner at O'Melveny and Myers, and previously served as the United States Attorney for the Central District of California. As a litigation partner at O'Melveny, Mr. Mayorkas represents Fortune 100 and other companies in their highest profile and most complex and...
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11-07 03:42 PM
Just gather together to find out how many of us are left behind?:D
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Hey admire you, you really have so much patience , how can you smile happily inspite of having a 2002 PD :(
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12-10 11:02 PM
tried to delete this thread but cldn't do it ,,,
mods , can you delete this thread as I already opened anotehr thread in nonimmigrant visa section?
mods , can you delete this thread as I already opened anotehr thread in nonimmigrant visa section?
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Blog Feeds
08-07 09:40 AM
For the past few months, there have been no green cards available for persons in the employment-based third preference category (EB-3) and long backlogs in the EB-2 category for persons born in India and China. So, with few green cards to grant, why has the USCIS been scheduling interviews for persons in these categories? The short answer is that just because the USCIS cannot grant most EB-3 and EB-2 applicants green cards, the agency can take advantage of the lull in applications for adjustment of status to deny persons with pending applications. How can they do that? Easy! Let's say...
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01-15 05:16 PM
Thanks. The A#, DOB and photo are correct on the card. Can I use the EAD card and at the same time file for a correction.
Do I have to pay again for the correction ?
Do I have to pay again for the correction ?
07-19 09:14 PM
Hi, I have been noticing on .com that even after the mess-ups in Aug 08 when similar visa bulletin came out and uscis approved lots of cases from 06 ignoring people from 04 and 05, they are not approving cases in pd order even now (well not like before but still bad). I mean how can they approve sep 05 cases before all 03/2005 cases are approved especially if they are all pre-adj and ready (atleast most are). Even though technically anyone until oct 1, 2005 is eligible for visa number, Shouldn't they go in order? This is very unfair given you don't know when they might run out of numbers and TSC is snail paced doing 3-6 approvals a day atmost while NSC is doing tons a day :) Any comments?
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